Monday, July 25, 2011

The Value Of Life And Your Dream


One of the factors that dictate the value and quality of our lives is DREAM. If you don’t have a dream no matter how rich you are you are still poor. Even if you are a billionaire you can still steal money. if you don’t have dream, money can not be useful in your hand. It is the dream you carry that will determine the level of our success not the money you have in your pocket or bank account, when you don’t have dream money will control you. Money respect dream.


*Dream is the ability to see your success beyond today and ability to see your future from today
*Dream is the reflection of your destiny, knowing the end from the beginning
*Dream is the vivid or actual picture of future


(1).Dream gives you the power of imagination
(2).It helps you to see your success before your future arrives
(3).When you don’t have dream money will control you
(4).When you are down with different challenges and tough situation your will serve as oil to lubricate your engine to keep you going
(5).Dream is a hope giver
(6).The picture of your dream strengthens you when to give up
(7).When you don’t have dream you don’t have life
(8).The value of your dream gives you the courage of moving and not money when it seems the hope of succeeding is lost
(9).When you are sick or hospitalized your dream gives you hope and challenge you to recover fast
(10).Tough time never last but dreamers do last (Joseph in Egypt Gen 41:41-46)
(11).Without dream life can be miserable and messy (disordered) because you wouldn’t know how to develop yourself
(12).What limits people’s destiny is dream and not money, the limited your dream the limited your destiny
(13).What gives you confidence that you will get there when everything around you doesn’t look like where you intend to be is your dream
(14).People who makes it today were influenced by the power of their dream, you can’t succeed beyond your dream
(15).When your dream is rich the hope of making is sure
(16).Dream separate success from failure, the quality of your life lies in your dream not money, get money from your office and invest in your dream
(17).With your dream you will not watch things happening but make things happening, dream big to end up big
(18).A dream doesn’t work for money but have money work for him because money is a servant of dream
(19).Never you call a dreamer poor man because he can end up feeding because he is a rich man with his dream it just a matter of time
(20).A dreamer is creator who creates possibilities

NOTE: The more you believe in your dream the more your life is getting better and richer; your dream gives you a better perspective about your life. A man without a dream always complains and get tired of life, you can have dream and be a lazy man, a lazy man wake up every morning without knowing what to do and prefer to steal, cheating and sleeping than working, a lazy man will go to cybercafé to browse and be deceiving on the internet that he is a woman while is a man, he will use woman picture for his profile while chatting to collect money. He will  spend hours on the computer just lying about himself to dupe people, a lazy man does not have dream that is why he can’t a meaningful and quality life, what gives you action in whatever you’re doing is the passion to achieve your dream. Action people are dream oriented, you can not break an Olympic record without dreaming to do so and that what money can not do.


  • Motivation only comes through your dream
  • Success can only be possible through your dream
  • Strength can be recovered through your dream
  • Persistence is possible through your dream
  • Discipline is ignited through your dream
  • You can be original through your dream
  • Wealth can be realized through your dream
  • Your best can be seen through your dream
  • Real money can come through your dream

The story of a writer……he compiled a book ready for printing but no enough money to print it and for years he live with a dream of writing a book, one day he told his printer to give him the back cover of the book to show some of his friends, this help him to discuss about his dream of writing a book and all of them were fascinated about the book and to God be the glory they started giving him CHEQUES and he printed the book without struggling. That is why I said MONEY RESPECTS DREAM. Have a clear picture of what you want to do, talk to people about it, tell them the reality of your dream; let them know how far you have gone in achieving it. Tell them what help or assistance you’ll need appreciate from them. You will be surprise how many of them would be ready to help, mind you it is those God has put into places to help you in your dream, when people see how serious you are about pursuing your dream, they end up helping you without begging them. Be serious, be passionate and have burning desire about your dream.





The way we think is very important. The bible says “as a man thinks so he will become Proverb 23:7” if you are lazy mentally you do not put your brain to function then you are liable to be poor. Example a lazy mentality man will always look at the situation around him and conclude that “I can’t do it or I can not afford to take risk” at the end he will be push around by the wind of life because he can not see & tap the opportunity others utilize to the top. But those that are rich psychologically they would see beyond the NORMS especially when they have been face by the storm then brain wake up to work. Control your thinking when you see those things you don’t have. POOR THINKING PRODUCE POVERTY; success depends on quality thinking and a better mind set; SUCCESS IS A MIND SET, anytime you look at yourself don’t think those who are doing great are born different. It’s just a matter of perspective:



Don’t let money be your priority, money should not the factor that dictate how you live your life “YOU DO NOT START BUSINESS WITH MONEY BUT WITH IDEAS, they are people who have a lot of money but lack the ideas to invest with it rightly, keep and use money wisely. Without your dream money can not be useful in your life, spend money on things that will be valuable to your dream because the dream you have determine how you handle money. Dreamers don’t spend money anyhow, they don’t stay balanced but they stay focused, the quality of your dream will determine the quality of your life, people without dream want to buy everything and they can become advance 419 or armed robbers.

      If you dream of becoming a lawyer, be ready to save money to go law school. If you dream of becoming a business man, you must be investment minder, ready to make and save money, investment conscious. Most of people who spend money anyhow don’t have dream they want to achieve save money regularly to achieve your dream. Discipline yourself about money, control your pocket, don’t live for today alone, plan for your tomorrow; don’t to impress people, rather spend money only when you have to, believe in saving instead of withdrawing money in your account. Focus on your dream and don’t allow the distraction of today’s luxury. Your tomorrow is waiting for you because what make out of your dream that is what your future family will depend on. YOU ARE A MIRROR DON’T LOSE THE ABILITY OF YOUR REFLECTION.  

Power Of Self Employment


If you are afraid to work for yourself, then you can never achieve much. Most people you see doing great things are entrepreneurs and self-employed who ended up building strong organization. Even most of them don’t have good educational background. Some took business lessons or read books about what they are doing and that shut them to the top. No matter how much they are paying you in your company or where you work it can never be like being your own BOSS. Working for yourself enable you to reach endless level in life. It makes you to expand, grow, increase and develop. You can never be a wealthy man by working for someone; they will rather use you to achieve their dreams. You cannot attain your full potential by working under people without a period to work for yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying it is bad or wrong to for an organization, but I want to let you know that you can achieve more by working for yourself. Because you have the liberty to grow and to become anything you dream to be.
            Even though, they are paying you fat salary, it can never be like running your own business. People fail in business because they don’t follow principles that guide successful business. People that work for others end up not fulfilling their purpose. They live their lives to fulfill other people’s dream. Some people have the clear picture of what to do but their afraid to launch themselves. Don’t live your live serving those who cannot pay you the value you deserve. Concentrate on how you can build your life, So that others can benefit from you too. Working for yourself enables you to help other who need job. Check the difference between working for yourself and working under people.

1              Gives you power to become anything you want to be
2              Enables you to grow and achieve your dream
3              Gives you the ability to control your time 
4              Opportunity to provide jobs for people
5              Gives you varieties of choices
6              Position you for greatness
7              Reveal your potentials
8              Makes people to respect and value you
9              The sky is not your limit if you can dream big
10           Helps you to have discipline and passion to succeed


1            They determine your success and how far you can go in life
2            They determine how much money you can make in a year
3            They fix your income per month (Salary)
4            They control your precious time. You can control your time
5            They don’t give you rest or break unless you are due for it
6            They are like small gods to you
7            They determine the quality of your life
8            You can never be richer than them
9            You are subject to them
10          They cannot allow you to be greater than them
Working for people place limitations on you; it makes people to dictate how far you can go and achieve. There wouldn’t be room for self actualization. It reduces the best you can be. It controls your future. It limits you due to how much they pay you per month. My emphasis is that, there is much you can achieve you work for yourself. So, anywhere you are working do not get comfortable too soon, program yourself to move forward. Visualize how long you will work or stay there. Don’t be afraid of firing your BOSS, if he did not work for himself you can’t work for him. So you must start to think about your life.
Every great man you can think of today are where they are, because they chose to start their own business. Example is Aliko Dongote, Mike Adenuga of Globacom, Jimoh Ibrahim, Bill Gates, Femi Otedola of Zenon oil, Richard Branson of virgin Airways. Can you remember any billionaire that is working under people?


I don’t know how much they are paying you now, but if you are working in a place, where your salary can’t maintain you and your family; or not enough to save; and you don’t have time for yourself. Don’t spend too much time in such place, because you are not working for today alone, but for your future also.
1       Have clear picture or the idea of what you want to do with your life
2       Discover what you have passion for
3       Ask yourself, how much you can save from what you earn now. If are not working now at least you must be doing something. Plan or think of how you can raise money by selling something
4       What can you do or sell than others which will make you unique
5       Then how much will it cause you to buy the goods or to start what you want to sell
6       How long will it take you to raise money, how many days, weeks, months and even years? Depending on the nature of business you are planning.
7       Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the business you want to start
8       Consider the environment you want your business located
9       Ask question from those who are already doing the business you intend doing
10    See the success of the business before you start it
11    Be discipline how you handle money that belong to your business (CAPITAL)
12    Always be motivated to grow and expand your business
13    Then commit your business to God
        Never venture any business because somebody is doing it, and the person is successful. You can start such business and not achieve any result. Look around you to find what you have passion for. What can you do that anybody will find very difficult to do it exactly like you. What can you sell that you can sell more than anybody/ if you don’t know any of this; this is the best time for you to start thinking and looking. You have something inside you that can make you unique, because I know that God packaged you with potentials and greatness
      Lead the way that follow, but don’t follow the way that leads. You are a leader in your own right. Believe in yourself. When it come to saving money to keep your business going, make sure you are disciplined. Saving money to keep a business flowing is a life wire of any establishment. Some business owners have gradually killed their business by spending the business capital. Most people that work for themselves always think that their business money is their own money that is why most of them spend the money anyhow. If you need to pay yourself weekly or monthly to monitor your spending and to protect your business capital, don’t spend the profit from your business anyhow. Plan very well with money you generate on your business so that you can expand gradually. Get knowledge, more information even attend business seminars to activate your capacity to grow.
      Don’t allow lapses to kill your business due to your ignorance, remember ignorance is not an excuse. Make sure you attend seminars and conferences to educate yourself about how to run your business, the growth of your business depends on the knowledge you have discovered about the business, buy books written by the business developers to share from their views and experience about the development of business. Your business can never grow beyond the knowledge you discover, whatever you are doing today do a research on it, and take the advantage of the internet to acquire knowledge. INTERNET is the gateway to any information; most people who are excelling in their business did some research, I don’t know what you are doing now, but I can tell you that you will find internet useful in building yourself and your business. There are search engines on the internet like GOOGLE. COM, ASK. COM AND ANSWER. COM. Whatever you want to know concerning yourself or your business the search engine will give you options.
      There no excuse for failure in your business. Do everything necessary that will make your business succeed, if you have to ask question please do, make sure you improve your knowledge every day to move your business forward. Some people have been working for years without success in what they are doing. And they never plan to take a new approach. Don’t remain where you are, do something different.


Value your customers because every customer is a potential leads. The major asset to any business is customers; ability to value them is the power that makes your business a complete success. Treat every customer with great honor and humor. To every organization customers are the BOSS, they dictate how much money you are taking home every day, if they refuse to show up there is nothing you can do because they are the king of the business. Create good feelings every time and always smile at them when they show up, don’t lie to them, don’t allow greed to make you lose any of your customers; rather always endeavor to keep them. Do everything possible to appreciate them when necessary

time management tips

Hello everyone,

Here are some tips on how to manage your time.

What is the point of time management tips? Changing time management habits takes time and effort, and it is always much easier when you have a simple system of practical roles and hints that are easy to keep in mind.That is exactly what the tips below are for.


The proven way to do it is to set goals, and to set them SMART. The rest of the time management tips below will help you be effective in achieving your goals and making time management decisions.

(1) learn to see the different between the urgent and important

The important tasks are those that lead you to your goals, and give most of the long progress and reward. those tasks are very often not urgent. Many urgent tasks are not really important, and at the end of the day your will find yourself not fulfill for the day

(2) know and respect your priorities

Aim  to do the important things first. Remember the 80-20 rule: 80 % of reward comes from 20% of effort. One of the aims of time management tips is to help you refocus your mind to give more attention and time to those most important 20 percent

(3) Plan your actions for achieving your goals

Convert your goals into a system of specific actions to be done. The first significant point of planning is the planning process itself. It is a known fact, and you will see it for yourself, that the planning process stimulates your brain to come up with new efficient solutions. It programs your subconscious mind to search for shortcuts. It makes you much more prepared for each specific action. Besides, planning will help you to identify potential conflicts and crises, minimizing the number of urgent tasks

Planning can also significantly lower the time spent on routine maintenance tasks, leaving you more time on what you like to do or for what you think is important for your long time success.

Also remember that planning and related time management tips work best when you review your plans regularly.

(4) schedule time for your tasks

Your concentration can be easily lost in the sea of many boring or less important things waiting to be done in your head. Undone things circulating in your mind are also a big drain of your mental energy. Most often, there is no way to get those things out of your mind except of either doing them or scheduling them in a trustable system, convincing your mind that they will be done in due time.

(5) know how you spend your time

keep a time log during some time interval, like a week, and then analyze it to see where your time goes. For example, what percentage of time you spend on urgent and on important activities, what people you devote your most time to. You are likely to be surprised, and you will see much better if you could use more time management tips. This is also an effective way to get a feedback on how well time management tips and techniques are working for you, and where you need some adjustments.